Hi girls! Here it
seconda tappa del nostro Fairy Circle Sal... come ve la state cavando? Ci stiamo divertendo, vero?
Ma ecco la carrellata delle prime foto pervenute... naturalmente aspetto anche le altre, ma tranquille ragazze, non inondatemi di mail di scuse... non succede nulla se non fate in tempo a completare le vostre tappe! Questo sal è libero, lo ribadisco, ciò che conta è stare assieme e divertirsi!
Ovviamente se mi avete mandato già la vostra foto e non la vedete in elenco, avvisatemi eh, lo sapete che sono una stordita ahah!
Comincio io... questa è la mia Moon Lady, ricamata su lugana Fairy Tale di Sparklies, con un po' di Kreinik argentato nelle stelle... e una bellissima skein dyed raspberry from me on purpose, of course!
And then here's ...
Antonella (Morgana1972)
Giuliana (embroidered with my skeins Iris and Marshmallow)
Sara (1 stage)
Suzy (from France)
Thank you girls, now I can not find the words to tell you how fantastic you are, every day ... not only for participating in my Ps, but for all your daily words of affection ... for the compliments, the support in my work as a designer (and "artist" of skeins, eheh!) and your valuable advice ...
help make this blog a place peaceful and "magic" you too ... and today it is not easy ... bad people and there's a lot of jealous, even embroidery, oh all right if there is ...
known people, people who makes the embroidery work says, but instead of thinking just will doggedly to work with anyone, becoming obsessed with trifles ... seeing ghosts and monsters everywhere ... always complaining about everything and your mouth full of malice ...
will be old age? XD The stress of the job?
As my mother likes to say, I prefer that it remains only a hobby, if it were truly a work would find more pleasure in doing so ... I do not miro to sell tons of patterns and skeins, I aim to make happy with this ricamine that are relaxing embroidery ... :) And that's it:)
So the bad things I say I'm too happy I am about to become a mother (by now we have eh!), I'm turning my hobby into something concrete and I am creating art in a 360 degrees (but I will speak of this in the next post, hehe ...) and above all ... I met wonderful girls like YOU!
A big hug e. .. see you soon!