phone calls before nine in the morning or after ten o'clock at night do not ever bring good news. It 's the same reason that when as kids you want to call a friend, his mother forbids him to because "It 's late, then people get scared when the phone rings at this hour", then stop repeating, we remember growing up alone. But there are days when the phone rings early in the morning and you must respond, even when just read the numbers to see what you hear. Like this morning.
see the expression on the face of a person very dear to you change from hope to awareness when you say that his brother has done it without you can see him one last time, is an experience that you would not want never revived. That "there is" almost whispered with disbelief, no matter if you expect it, if you have 70 years, if you're already past at other times, no one will take away that moment of bewilderment in which I still hope to hear you say that you are wrong. One moment, before you know it, unfortunately, you understand very well. Growing up, growing older, these events become more acceptable, in a sense you get used to, you realize that are inevitable, but this does not become less painful.
difficult for those who remain, for those who remember. For those who would say "It will pass" when it is not, when you know what to expect in the coming months and know that it will be easier now. The only way to do it seems to not think about it, but you can not turn the thoughts, sooner or later some reflection comes out. The impression is that your known world, one where you grow up, you're falling apart little by little, you always knew that sooner or later it would happen, but who knows, perhaps hoping that you would have been more ready, for sure hoped that those moments never arrive. You can try to ignore the situation all you want, but sometimes you feel a bit 'lost ... the only thing you can do is look at the time that passes, there are things that can not be accepted and, unfortunately, not change.
RIP Uncle!

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