Stasera voglio porvi una domanda, o meglio, una serie di domande su cui vi chiederei di riflettere un attimo, dopo di che fatevi l'idea che preferite!
Domanda: non vi sembra strano, alla luce della polemica Saviano-Maroni di questi giorni sull'infiltrazione della mafia al nord e la conseguente alleanza con la Lega, che venga arrestato ieri, dopo 14 anni di latitanza, il boss della Camorra del clan dei Casalesi di cui lo scrittore sopra citato aveva parlato di più nel suo libro? 14 anni di latitanza, aggiungerei, passati in un bunker (se non interamente, di sicuro recentemente) nel paese noto per essere proprio il covo dei Casalesi, mica a Timbuctu! Secondo voi è un caso?
La mia risposta: sinceramente no, non credo proprio sia un caso! Non voglio negare l'importanza di questo evento nella lotta alla criminalità organizzata, indubbiamente notevole e perciò subito utilizzato come bandiera per lo slogan " Noi combattiamo la organized crime, there alleiamo with that one! . "It is certain that just happens to Bean, as they say, and not only in this case, but whenever there is the accusation of collaboration of some political mafia, or when the personal problems of some characters (or parties) ermergono in the strongest terms. And if other occasions in the arrests but there are also not released, I do not know, the fact is that they are already out statements like "our will be remembered as the first government to have defeated the Mafia "(quoted literal), but the Mafia still exists!
Small digression: utmost indignation caused by this writer that only because he has sold many copies of a book can say that the mafia in the south of the southerners arrived in the north, where the problems are there but not these, then 'this boy will do his business! More or less the Journal wrote this ... now, to say that the mafia exists only in the south is a really funny joke: I hope that few people believe in a farce like that, the north is not waterproof and it is certainly not the Promised Land! I personally believe that if the Interior Minister had responded with a " did not know of this situation, the league is integral to the fight against the mafia so now we will investigate with the relevant authorities " would have done a much better shape and more dignified for him and the party! Add to Saviano was based on actual surveys (report to Parliament on the day after, among other things ...) and I find that somewhat inappropriate to argue against a person who bases his work on combating organized crime story made very uncomfortable for affiliates. It may not be sympathetic or not like the way she, like everyone else, but Realize is 31 years old and lives constantly escorted by seven police officers to avoid revenge, which in part was expected when he decided to publish Gomorrah. Yet he did it anyway. I find that a person is to be admired, the more I am following through transmission "Come away with me " (one of the best programs in recent years) and I find that can explain clearly any argument from him, he has a particular way of speaking to the public but very effective! Council for anyone to see the latest two episodes of this T rasmissione the next Monday evening and those who missed the first two should go to watch them on youtube, it's really worth!
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