Monday, February 15, 2010

Power Rangers Belt Buckle

orange marmalade

Trovo questa ricetta estremamente semplice e ho piacere di pubblicarla per Voi..una sola raccomandazione le arance non devono essere trattate, la buccia deve risultare opaca (nella mia foto sembrano lucide perche' appena well washed and brushed!)

KG 1200 of oranges
850 gr sugar

-Peel the oranges with a potato peeler, taking care not to take the white part of peel that could make the bitter and unpleasant jam.

-Cut the peel into thin strips obtained.

-Boil the strips for 5 minutes and drain.

-Remove all the white skin from the oranges and make them in small cubes.

-Drain the peels and put them in a pan along with the pulp of oranges.

-Combine sugar (I used 850 gr. But if you want it less sweet eye mettetene less)

-Simmer on medium low flame for 30-45 minutes. Towards the end of cooking if the oranges are still at large pieces here and pass them 'the mixer to make the most jam' uniform.

still-Pour boiling in glass jars until it comes out (to avoid that there may be air, then with a glove kitchen to take the jar and screw the cap on tightly.
-Turn still hot jar upside down 'and leave it that way' until completely cooled.
typically use small pots' cause jam do not contain preservatives so once opened must be refrigerated and consumed breve.La remaining unopened can last longer 'than a year ...



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