dinner tonight Eastern For this dish I have inspired Chinese cookbook Scolari ..
with this recipe you will have a pork tender ...
For the sweet and sour sauce:
a cup of white wine vinegar
a cup of brown sugar
a cup of ketchup 2 tablespoons tamari soy sauce (I use that file)
pulp 750gr 100 gr pork
pineapple 1 green pepper
1 leek (I had onion) 1 egg
4 -5 tablespoons of flour salt oil Schar
-start preparing the sweet and sour sauce by putting one cup of vinegar and sugar in a pan over medium heat until 'does not dissolve the sugar.
-Once melted add the sugar ketchup and soy sauce and cook for about fifteen minutes, stirring from time to time and at low heat.
-Cut the pork meat in cubes not too thick.
-Cut the pepper into cubes ..
-same with the pineapple that will go 'together with the pepper.
-Place the diced pork soaking nelluovo beaten.
-Pass the pork pieces in flour and stir well.
-Put 4 tbsp oil in a wok and when hot put all previously covered in flour and cook pork for 4-5 minutes taking care to turn frequently.
-Remove the pork from the wok and put the pot on the stove with pineapple and peppers for 4 minutes.
-Put the pork in the pan along with the vegetables and cook a few minutes.
Meanwhile, skip the onion in a pan with a little oil.
Once browned, add a cup of sweet and sour sauce obtained above (with the dose written it is about twice not use it all!) And cook a few moments.
-Add the sweet and sour sauce the pork with the onion and peppers and salt lightly .. cook a few more minutes and serve ..