Sunday, January 30, 2011

Conjested And Hurts When I Sneeze

"Do you know what happens When a star dies, Bryan?

It doesn't just disappear. It turns into a black hole, this giant energy sucking mass that doesn't just collapse in on itself; it takes any light that comes close down with it."

"Sai cosa succede quando una stella muore, Bryan? Non scompare solamente. Si trasforma in un buco nero, questa gigante massa succhia-energia che non collassa semplicemente su se stessa; porta con sè ogni light that is coming. "

[by Glee, S1E19]

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Friday, January 28, 2011

How Does A Gay Man With Herpes Look

soft cake with hazelnut coffee cake

A cake soft and enveloping. Bit into it and you can almost taste a cake and instead paradise .. I do not feel something crunchy and tasty: they are nuts! Now I do not know if the choice of nuts is resulted by chance or whether it is dictated by the fact that my little one is literally in love with a stuffed toy shaped like a squirrel and I unconsciously have gone to look for just this recipe. Recipe, among other things, that I was not very many years, perhaps more than 10. As time passes, but some tastes are always .. I had not forgotten me. Indeed at first bite resulted thousand emotions and a thousand memories. The only scent I warmed my heart! The initial idea was to stuff them with cream and a delicious strawberry jam .. then the strawberry jam is gone and I jumped on the berries (I always keep a supply in the freezer! you never know ..) but eventually the cream was gone and then .. away with some nice chocolate spoonful of Nutella! Needless to say you can do more with what you like, I have only done some small example, but it could also be delicious with white chocolate and hazelnut! In short, the choice is yours for a layer of sweet treats! But if you love classic leave completely natural, without any additions or toppings .. believe me it's delicious! The adjective "soft" then you should fully understand the softness and crispness of this cake! Therefore take great care in cutting the cake because it is extremely delicate, and then proceed slowly during the filling operation. But enough with the delay .. here's the recipe ...

70 grams of finely chopped hazelnuts
50 grams of potato starch
150 grams of flour 3 eggs

150 gr soft butter 130 g

sugar 1 dl milk
1 packet of yeast

Preparation Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Separate the yolks from the whites and whisk them with a pinch of salt.
Cut the softened butter (not melted!) Into pieces. To facilitate this, if you do not have much time, you can cut it into pieces and place in microwave for about ten seconds at medium power. In a bowl mix the sugar with the butter until a soft foam. Stir so the starch, flour, milk, continuing to work vigorously. Add At this point one egg at a time, stirring constantly, then pulverized hazelnuts, baking powder and egg whites, taking care to turn gently in the latter phase. Grease and flour a cake pan with a diameter of about 24 cm, and pour the mixture and bake in the oven already heated to 180 ° C for 40 minutes or until the cake will be well puffed and golden. Remove from oven and allow to cool, the mold and arrange on a platter. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or icing sugar, or proceed with a colorful garnish to your liking (I have stuffed by dissolving 150 grams of dark chocolate + 3 tablespoons of Nutella and a few spoonfuls of milk + some hazelnut tritata grossolanamente).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wii Easy Backup Wizard

Windmills nutella cake

These cookies are fantastic and thank you for the recipe # download the recipe and 'easy but requires a little' time.

226 g butter 285 g sugar pinch of salt

a little more 'than half a sachet of yeast 2 large eggs

the skin of an orange rind
460 gr flour mix c
Nutella 200 gr

-Fit butter and sugar with mixer until creamy otter
then add the salt and baking powder sifted.

-Add the eggs and orange peel.

-Then add half 'of the flour.

-L 'other half' of the flour by hand to blend it with a spoon the mixture postrebbe otherwise be too hard on the mixer.

-Divide the dough in half and spread it on two sheets of baking paper, trying to give a square shape and of medium thickness. Spread on the two squares trasparte film and refrigerate for an hour to harden the mixture. Then spread half 'of nutella on each square, taking care to leave about an inch freeboard.

So roll-all with the baking paper to form two tight salami. Put back in refrigerator for 3 or 4 hours to harden the product.

salami-slicing Then put the slices on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake at 190 degrees for 13 minutes. With this dose we are out 4 or 5 batches. Bon appetit

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Beyonce Has Genital Herpes

grandmother's eggplant mille-feuille

Questa ricetta e' uno dei miei cavalli di battaglia e sicuramente il mio dolce preferito che ripropongo in versione gluten free.

470 gr farina mix c shar

265 gr zucchero

175 gr di burro

70 gr di pinoli

6 tuorli piu' 2 uova intere

700 ml latte

la scorza di un limone intera e una grattugiata

mezza bustina lievito per dolci

zucchero a velo per la guarnizione

un pizzico di sale

-Montare 5 tuorli con 90 gr di zucchero e 70 gr di farina mix c. Far bollire il latte in una
casseruola con la scorza del limone unire l'impasto preparato e far thicken. Once ready, remove from heat and add cream 15 g butter mix everything. Next, bring the cream to cool completely.

-mix the remaining 400 grams of flour with 175 grams of sugar, 160 grams of butter, diced baking powder and salt worked briefly at the end to merge the two whole eggs and egg yolk single lemon zest grated.

-Make a ball and wrap everything in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for half an hour. Council
extra if the dough should be elastic and blended together just a few tablespoons of egg whites if necessary advanced.

-Bagnare ed asciugare un foglio di carta da forno e foderare una tortiera bassa. Stenderci sopra 3/4 dell'impasto tolto dal frigorifero in modo da formare una base uniforme e con i bordi rialzati e bucherellare con una forchetta il fondo.

-Riempire con la crema raffredata. Mettere i pinoli ammollo con acqua freda per 10 minuti.

-Stendere l'impasto rimasto su un foglio di carta da forno con un matterello infarinato fino ad ottenere una sfoglia sottile che andra' a ricoprire l'intera torta.

-Con una forchetta segnare i bordi delicatamente per fissarli.Ricoprire con tuti i pinoli e cuocere in oven at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Serve cold sprinkled with icing sugar. Bon appetit

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Aluminum Boat Project

Ogni volta che sfoglio un libro di Donna Hay cado letteralmente in uno stato di adorazione totale per le ricette, semplici eppure innovative, e per le foto, così splendenti ed estremamente golose. Ogni volta poi cado nella tentazione di provare le sue ricette una dopo l'altra senza esclusione di colpi. Queste tortine in particolare provengono da quel meraviglioso ricettario on chocolate I invite everyone to buy because it is absolutely divine, and, unfortunately, get fat just to leaf through it (quiet joking .. well feast your eyes .. no calories will attack you!). With the dosage regimen should get about 10 cupcakes if you use the molds with a capacity of 125 ml. Needless to say how delicious and ideal for breakfast, with the aftertaste of coffee, not too loud, reminiscent of a soft and foamy cappuccino. I do not know why all the recipes I made with chocolate and finally become involved with simple cakes at the cafe as a "chocolate" have only the cover ... I guarantee, however, that are very seductive and definitely be able to raise morale at any time of day. As for the nuts powder to inform you that is sold in convenient bags or you provide directly by blanch the hazelnuts, rubbing them between your hands to remove the skins and making them warm for a few minutes on a baking sheet in hot oven, before the chop finely as possible. Another minor problem concerns the butter: make it soften at room temperature (no microwave, please!). Just remove it from the refrigerator about one hour before use, cut it into pieces and combine it with other ingredients before I suggest you whip it vigorously. Then add the remaining ingredients one at a time, working all from time to time. The processing of these cakes is easy and fast! A little tip: you can safely serve hot as a dessert at the end of a dinner cook making them directly in ramequins and covering them with plenty of melted chocolate.

100 gr di burro molto morbido 
220 gr di zucchero
3 uova
190 gr di farina setacciata
2 cucchiai  cucchiaini di lievito in polvere per dolci
30 gr di polvere di nocciole
1+1/2 cucchiai di caffè solubile sciolti in 1 cucchiaio di acqua calda
150 gr di cioccolato fondente
125 ml di panna da cucina
qualche chicco di caffè ricoperto di cioccolato per decorare (facoltativo)

Preparation Preheat oven to 160 ° C. Beat butter, very soft, sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder, nuts and coffee (dissolved as per instructions in a tablespoon of hot water) in a bowl. You can help with a whisk or a mixer to make the mixture more homogeneous, or knead vigorously until well as it will be smooth and free of lumps. Butter the muffin tins or ramequins (or even for cupcakes). Pour the mixture into the mold filling only 3 / 4 at most. Cook for about 25 minutes by controlling the firing towards the end with the help di uno stecchino (infilzando il centro dovrà uscire ancora asciutto). Non appena saranno pronti lasciate raffreddare per circa 10 minuti prima di sformarli. Lasciateli quindi raffreddare su una griglia. Preparate la glassa al cioccolato facendo sciogliere a fuoco dolce il cioccolato fondente tagliato a tocchetti con la panna da cucina mescolando di tanto in tanto. Lasciate riposare per 10 minuti prima di versarlo sul dolce raffreddato.

Tratto dal libro "Cioccolato" di Donna Hay

Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest:

Scooter Wheels For Sale Metal Core

Fairy Circle ...

Eh sì... ancora Fairy Circle!
Vi sono proprio piaciute le fatine, vero? E poi siete state così brave, tutte, che vale proprio la pena continuare no?
Io intanto, mooooooolto faticosamente, sto continuing my third leg, I'm really late ... but is being very well, you'll see the next update (hahaha, I'm really optimistic!), for now enjoy the latest steps come ...




Antonella (Ricamanto)

Giuliana ( Look how beautiful!)

short, more and more beautiful ... girls I remember that then see what you do! Paintings, pillows, blankets ...
you look!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Make Sailboats Out Of Fondant


Here are some music videos that are worth seeing even if you do not like the song! Why? Well, but why are fun!
The first that I propose is a song by Sugarland , called Stuck like glue. I did not know the band and this song I discovered by chance, but surely win the prize for the funniest videos, if there a recognition that! By the way fans will recognize the star show male, of Captain Awesome Chuck ! (Sorry but I do not know Italian as they called it ...)

The second is the much more radio in the past by the "far", 2007, Misery Business Paramore of :

third proposal is a song by Miranda Lambert entitled White Liars, which you can not embed the video, so you can see it here .

Other proposals are the songs of Kelly Clarkson (which I LOVE): in realtà non sono tutti video divertenti questi, ma meritano ugualmente 3 minuti del vostro tempo (Purtroppo vi tocca guardare anche questi su youtube...):
- Since u been gone che dà un'ottimo suggerimento per le ragazze illuse e poi lasciate dal proprio ragazzo
- Never Again dedicata a coloro che sono state tradite
- Because of you decisamente più serio e non divertente,ma lascia comunque un sorriso sul finale (e lo ammetto, mi scende sempre una lacrimuccia!)
- Behind these hazel eyes la canzone di Kelly che preferisco, video compreso perchè le ambientazioni e i vestiti e in generale lo stile li trovo veramente straordinari!

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Radiculopathy And Social Security

Watching the sunrise to watch the 01 / 01/2011. .. or 13/01/2011!

[ author's note: Before you start reading the video to get the background music makes it better ... the spirit of intervention! ]
It took me 13 days before writing a post on the year again! Complimentiii!
Last year I said (elsewhere) that in 2010 I wanted some good and some less good about more action. Now that the year is over I can say that it did not fully comply my initial idea, because for some things it took much longer than expected.
Let me explain. The last two years were difficult, there have been many changes (just for the better), but were important. Precisely because of these changes, I realized something was wrong, a feeling that I've actually always had, but I had never analyzed in depth, and I was always closed in on myself, thinking that sooner or later would be passed around, it was enough to hold on a little '. I had not considered that close the doors may have side effects.
After yet another period of struggle and despair, I said enough . I understand, after so long, I was struggling against myself, to achieve a way of being that are not, and that to be happy I finally had to accept, accept the facts and do what I could with the opportunities that I have actually.
It was not easy, was not quick and it's not finished yet. But above all, to understand all this, I had to touch the lowest point, I had to disappoint myself, I came to a point where my will is simply crumbled and if something frightened me and I did not shake too, not I could not. For some it may seem a small thing: once you fail, you're sorry, but never mind, go ahead! But for me it is not so, I'm very proud Probably too much, and above all I had never been a quitter. Yes, I had my first major headache, my anxieties, my fears, but then I did what came together and confront. Suddenly I was no longer able to do so. And it was there that I told myself just for the first time seriously. E 'was there that I decided that I would have taken the time to to go back to being the person I wanted and, above all, I could be, and I would do everything possible to achieve this goal. After the 2009
it's 2010 and then it too is finished. Now, in early 2011 , I can not say that managed to achieve what I wanted, not yet. If you want to make a change, but a true and deep , it takes time, especially when for years we have acted in the wrong way. I can not say that I have finished my course, but I can say that on the right track , now I realize, as I realize why I waited so long before doing what he was and I knew to be necessary to : just was not ready. Now I think of it, are ready to move forward, to do what it takes to move on my way. It will take more time and might not work, but I hope so, I feel I am ready to make each piece back into place.
For this to be a bit 'of time now I have had enough even to good intentions: the lists are more of a track, not a goal. And I said well enough to wish for a "new better than the previous year, that gives you happiness and that you will be able to realize all your dreams!" Does not exist a year so, because the illusion? It is not the new year that brings the realization, the year is a number , which moreover we came up with humans and is not the same for everyone!
I wish everyone a year living with willingness to do what you want to do with the strength to pursue their dreams and, if not you should be able to reach them, hope to find in you the strength to go ahead and awareness that a failure is not just a defeat, is also growing, though often painful. Citing Adam Smith in a sense, happiness is to be sought, it should be pursued, does not come alone. So if you have not found it, I hope you will find the right direction for you, or at least the beginning of the route to follow, but if you've reached your destination, or you are exactly where you want to be, I wish you success to stay there!

Good 2011 at all! =)

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I-catcher Concole Web Monitor

Sunshine Award 2011

This award is a kind of public appreciation that we can assign to blogs and bloggers that there are more expensive!

The (simple) rules:
1) Thank you to those who have honored.
2) Write a post for the award.
3) increased to 12 blogs that we think deserve
4) Insert the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen.
5) Telling rewarded.

Like everything, this I do it my way, then skip the rule # 3 ... in fact the reason is simple: even if it is almost a year since I have this blog, I never really made to look for other interesting blogs: ergo I follow very few or at least occasionally!

So. .. my Sunshine Awards 2011 go to .......................
- Bitter Apple - Apple love whom I thank for giving me this award! Spare not for "moral obligation" but because his blog and his way of writing I really like!
- notsochiara - Money gone for ... friend who dispenses good advice on purchases!

This year I'm afraid is all I'll try to update me so as to be better prepared for next year!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Blueprints For Truck Subwoofer

creamy lentil soup with coriander

One of the things I love most of ' winter is warm and welcoming atmosphere that is created when you return home, perhaps after a long day a little 'heavy and far too gray and cold. Now, in my humble opinion, at the end of a day like one of the pampering that warms you well and a nice thick soup, creamy, rich taste and slightly hot. And this triggered the search of yet another recipe, a bit 'more innovative than the others, just to have something new, perhaps with a slight ethnic touch, perhaps in pure indian style (now I'm missing a bit' but that, because of breastfeeding, I avoid yet!) .. So go and coriander and a little 'mint combined logically to lentils. Maybe you made any gifts received by the bag at Christmas time and this can be an excellent opportunity to finally discard it without necessarily matching them to the usual sausage. I found this recipe in the book " Soupes du jour" and the thing that made me fall in love (in addition to the ingredients of course) was a picture of the soup in question is served in tin cans banal, the kind that are used for vegetables (besides the photographer Akiko Ida no exceptions!). Now I have shamelessly tried to copy the effect proposed in that picture and even if not fully satisfied but I have to admit that the soup was a wonder. First, use dried beans (lentils do not need to be soaked remember this!) Preferably red lentils (although the original recipe included Puy lentils), fresh coriander (if you can substitute a teaspoon of coriander powder) and Of course, if you have a beautiful crock pot large enough. Obviously I made some small changes to the original recipe. First, as regards the amount of broth to be used I have reported about 0.75 liters, but if you want a soup as well as plenty of liquidity to 1.5 liters. I also added a potato, cut into pieces to render it more dense and creamy. The original recipe also included cooking in plain water, which I replaced with vegetable broth to taste a bit 'stronger, but lighter. Although this time the photos are not crabs I sincerely hope not to get discouraged and to convince you to try this cream delicious and vaguely Eastern Europe.

250 g lentils 1 medium potato
1 onion 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
0.75 liters of vegetable stock
juice 1 lemon
a bouquet of fresh coriander
few mint leaves
salt pepper

Finely chop the onions. Peel potatoes and dice. In a casserole or crock pot you find the onions with a tablespoon of olive oil, stirring occasionally. When they are transparent, add the lentils, potatoes into small pieces and cover with the broth. Add salt and cook on low heat for about 45 minutes until the lentils are thoroughly cooked. Add the lemon juice and filtered another tablespoon of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Finely chop the coriander and mint and season the soup before serving. You may blend the soup to make it even creamier.