Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Leasing A Car, Calculatorva

Are you ready for another recipe created specifically for a recycling of the cake? Yes, I know, this one will look like the classic strudel and yet here it is a soft stuffed panettone (a soft and rich with raisins and candied fruit) enriched with pine nuts and apples! Well not much different from the original, if not for the fact that those throwing slices of panettone is really an advanced waste and more often a disappointment, especially if they have lost the scent and softness when you have dropped a few days before. Well what better opportunity to delight with this strudel?! If you then decided to also prepare the " Delights panettone " described in my previous post, well then this recipe is right up your alley, because the leftovers I mentioned here can be used in just the right amount for the realization of this succulent strudel! The original recipe of pasta, I shamelessly copied by the monthly "Salt and Pepper." It was created specifically for the classic apple strudel (already tested and appreciated by my mother above). Be aware that with the dosage regimen will get a large strudel (as you can see from the photos I had necessarily cut it in two to photograph well!). As an indication should enough for about 8 people.

for the dough: 250 gr
white flour 0
a pinch of salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
few drops of lemon juice 1 egg
lukewarm water
50 grams of melted butter
sugar cane
icing sugar to decorate
for the filling: 2 apples
1 / 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
50 grams of pine nuts
6-7 tablespoons of cold milk as needed to soften
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon sugar
leftover panettone qb (calculated from 200 to 400 gr)

begin to prepare the strudel pastry by combining in a bowl the flour, a pinch of salt, oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Together an egg and begin to knead with your fingertips helping you. United warm water up when not mix well. Knead dough vigorously to obtain a compact and homogeneous. Work "wrist" for un'impasto smooth. To give an idea: to be a little softer than the dough that usually when you get the noodles. Then formed into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest. Meanwhile
prepare the filling: Peel and cut apples into small pieces (eliminating the core of course) and cover with sugar and lemon juice. Then add the cinnamon and pine nuts. Crumble the cake and place in a bowl. Then moisten with a tablespoon of milk to soften it. Finally add the two mixtures, stirring well.
then Roll the strudel pastry. Flour a large towel and lie down the dough with the help of a rolling pin. Strisciatevi under the hands clenched into fists and pull it until you get a thin sheet. At this point, brush with melted butter and pour the filling with the prepared apples and cake. Roll it up, helping with the plot and create a nice roll. Chiudete bene le estremità premendole con le dita e spennellate nuovamente con burro fuso, spolverizzate con zucchero di canna. Infornate in forno già caldo a 200°C per 30-35 minuti. Cospargete con abbondante zucchero a velo.


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