3 ripe bananas are not too large
three golden apples smith
a juicy orange 1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon of sugar cane
3 g gelatin sheets
125 g butter a pezzi
250 gr di farina 00 o tipo 45
1 cucchiaino di sale
40 gr di zucchero
125 ml di acqua ghiacciata
Prepariamo la pasta brisée: in una ciotola lavorate la farina con lo zucchero e il burro tagliato a pezzetti. Otterrete un composto sbricioloso a cui andrà unita poca acqua alla volta. Mi raccomando che sia ben ghiacciata (lasciatela in freezer per qualche minuto prima di utilizzarla). Impastate bene il tutto e cercate di ottenere una pasta morbida ed omogenea, ma non troppo appiccicosa. La quantità di acqua da utilizzare può vary according to the flour and humidity inseritene so little time. Form a loaf and put it in plastic wrap. Let stand in refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Wash, peel and remove the cores from apples. Cut into small pieces and put them in a saucepan with about 1 / 5 liter of water and a tablespoon of sugar. Cook until it will be very soft, then remove from heat, drain and place them in a bowl and let cool. Peel the bananas and cut into pieces, mix them with apple juice 1 / 2 orange filtrate. Also filtered the juice of the other 1 / 2 orange and put it with gelatin sheets to warm slightly. Puree fruit and add the juice with gelatin. Mix thoroughly and let stand.
Once the pastry crust ready divide it into two loaves on a floured surface and roll it out. Lined with parchment paper and butter a baking sheet, lie on the first disc of dough, lightly prick the bottom with a fork. Pour the fruit compote and cover with second sheet of pastry crust sealing edges well. Bake in preheated oven at 200 ° C for 35 minutes.
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