Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I-catcher Concole Web Monitor

Sunshine Award 2011

This award is a kind of public appreciation that we can assign to blogs and bloggers that there are more expensive!

The (simple) rules:
1) Thank you to those who have honored.
2) Write a post for the award.
3) increased to 12 blogs that we think deserve
4) Insert the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen.
5) Telling rewarded.

Like everything, this I do it my way, then skip the rule # 3 ... in fact the reason is simple: even if it is almost a year since I have this blog, I never really made to look for other interesting blogs: ergo I follow very few or at least occasionally!

So. .. my Sunshine Awards 2011 go to .......................
- Bitter Apple - Apple love whom I thank for giving me this award! Spare not for "moral obligation" but because his blog and his way of writing I really like!
- notsochiara - Money gone for ... friend who dispenses good advice on purchases!

This year I'm afraid is all I'll try to update me so as to be better prepared for next year!


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