Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sympathy Quotes For Diagnosed With Cancer

Dorian Gray (2009) Pro-

"Some things are more precious Because They Do not last long"

" I think very Simply Should people go and see Dorian Gray 'cause it's one of the greatest stories ever and it hasn't Been Told Told in a long time ... and it Deserves to Be Told! "
This is the opinion of Ben Barnes, the actor who plays Dorian Gray, but we can say that it is also mine! If you are expecting a faithful transposition of the novel by Oscar Wilde forget it, but if you expect to see a film version which, although with some changes, keep the spirit of history, So I do not think you'll be disappointed. Of course, freedom, the director Oliver Parker he's taken a lot, but the dark atmosphere, a 'Gothic' is perfect for telling the story of a boy who has sold twenty-one his soul in exchange for eternal youth.
As far as I enjoyed this film, I admit that I have enjoyed every moment, I found the course a bit 'too much to jump in and personally I prefer the principle of the book to the one used in the film, but Colin Firth is a perfect Lord Henry Wotton and Ben Chaplin a great Basil Hallward. Not to mention the role of Ben Barnes in Dorian: Although physically opposed the literary version (Dorian is described by Wilde as a blond, blue eyes, while Barnes is brown with dark eyes), actually manages to get to me very well in the role the protagonist, is the poise, charm, or perhaps his young air (note who has 29 years, although it does not show!).
Unfortunately at the time of this film (September 2009) did not spread it deserved, some not even been released. As my usual, I recommend viewing the original, not because the dubbing is bad (indeed, this time is quite well done), but because different expressions of the characters do not give the same impression of the original film, which I preferred.
If you have not in anyway going to see this movie, I suggest you to read the book, a mix of hedonism, corruption and morality that give life to what is simply one of the finest novels ever written!


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