Monday, February 28, 2011

Does John Cena Have A Son?

New yarn 2011!

Come promesso, eccomi di nuovo qui Amiche!
Vi presento le primissime tonalità del 2011... vi ringrazio ancora per avermi aspettata tanto, e spero che le novità vi ripaghino della lunga attesa :)
Vi avviso subito che la prossima settimana ci saranno nuovi arrivi, pertanto restate in attesa!

Comincio subito col comunicarvi le nuove regole di acquisto:
Le matassine sono lunghe 8 mt. e costano 1, 20 Euro cad.
Per ordini superiori alle 20 matassine , il prezzo è di 1 Euro cad.

Per ordinare vi basta scrivermi una mail qui

Le matassine esaurite e riproducibili ( elencate qui ) sono prenotabili con un minimo di due matassine per colore .

Le spedizioni saranno effettuate a mezzo prioritaria (non tracciabile) o a mezzo raccomandata (sicura e tracciabile), con un prezzo variabile a seconda del peso complessivo del pacco.
NON effettuo assolutamente spedizioni in piego di libri, in quanto occorrerebbe lasciare un lato aperto per ispezione postale e di conseguenza… Addio matassine! :(

I pagamenti vanno effettuati tramite ricarica postepay (e paypal per l'estero… Non accetto bonifici o assegni, mi spiace) di cui vi fornirò i dati al momento dell'ordine.

Detto ciò, non vi faccio attendere oltre… :) cliccate per ingrandire!

(arancio albicocca e marroncino)

(violetto, giallo chiaro e verde chiaro)

(scala di verdi, dal chiaro allo scuro)

Red Cherry
(rosso fragola e bordeaux… Uno dei vecchi colori, lo ricordate?)

(pink and chocolate)

Wisteria (blue and dark purple)

What do you say, you like ?

I hope so ... So for now I greet you my dear ... And I give you an appointment next week!

Happy Stitching!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Where Is The Memory Card Slot On A Laptop

La mia prima raccolta - J'adore les macarons

browsing here and there among the various sites in search of succulent recipe, I found myself to store millions of notes about the beloved Macarons. Both phenomenon to be considered at the time, whether they are truly appreciated and adored, I had the insane desire to create this collection. You are then ready to participate?
Since then I've also skipped the first birthday of my beloved blog (due to urgent visit to the delivery room .. even if on purpose!) Well, what better opportunity to fix it?!
you notice immediately that they are my very first collection and then I apologize in advance for lack of gifts or anything, but it would be rather difficult the task of establishing a real winner in this case .. because the end is based on the submission rather than on the recipe itself ... but in future I'll try to fix so do not desperate!
Here, specifically, what is the collection "J'adore les macarons":

  • will be accepted all the macarons recipe (also posted already and more than one)
  • will also be accepted based sweets macarons (sbizzarritevi!!)
  • the collection will end April 25, 2011 (you will have two months) will also participate
  • who do not have a cooking blog by posting recipes accompanied by photographs
  • each prescription must be accompanied by one or more photos

What to do?
  • create your recipe complete with photos and publish it on your blog or send it to
  • leave a small comment on this post pointing out the link of your accomplishment
  • expose the banner below to find your blog and prepared in the recipe (with links to this post)
  • if you like, but is not required, add you to my supporters .. I'd love to!
... And then of course spread the word ... the more we will have more recipes to make these delicious!
Oh I forgot ... at the end of the collection, you will create a pdf that you can freely download, con tutte le ricette realizzate!
Siete pronte?? Vi aspetto numerosissime!!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Guy Tuxedo's For 2010

Pane dolce pere e cardamomo

Deliciously fragrant! Here's how I would call this little delicacy, this dessert an intense bouquet and vaguely oriental. Moreover, the cardamom is one of my favorite spices, but I'm biased because I'm a crazy lover of all the spices in general. Usually I do not dedicate myself to the sweet fruit. They are more like my mom's specialty (remember here find his brand new blog of cuisine awaits !!).. .. I usually have more for the sweet "chocolate", "those of 3000 calories per slice. But this time I could not resist the combination of pears and cardamom .. already thinking about it I liked it so much. I will not tell then when the smell of this cake has invaded the house! Now I like to call it more "sweet bread" as I had done in the past that bananas .. because in the end I think it is much more suitable for a nice breakfast, sliced \u200b\u200band savored slowly, perhaps with a hot chocolate (I do not deny ever!)

125 gr soft butter at room temperature
125 grams of brown sugar 2 eggs lightly beaten

250 grams of self raising flour ( or the equivalent in weight of flour + baking powder) 1 teaspoon
ground cardamom (or powder) 4 tablespoons milk

500 g of pears (about 2 medium pears)
1 tablespoon of clear honey (for garnish - optional)

Preparation In a bowl beat the sugar and vigorously soft butter, cut into small pieces and above room temperature. You will need to make a soft and fluffy. Stir in gradually the egg lightly beaten. Stir and add the flour sifted with baking powder, ground cardamom, and milk while continuing to mix well. Put hours by one third of the pears that have previously cleaned, peeled and cut into chunks and add the remaining coarsely crushing the mixture.
Butter and cover with parchment, a cake tin and pour the mixture smooth the surface. Enter at this point the slices of pear that you have kept aside, sticking on the surface of the dough. Fate then bake in a preheated oven at 160 ° C for 1 hour and 15 minutes - 1 hour and 30 minutes by controlling the area with a toothpick (which must be dry). Remove from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes, then carve the edges slightly with a knife to gently pull the cake. Put it on a wire rack to cool before serving and sprinkle with the honey.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Underarm Pain

8 years. Satyricon

[background music:]

8 years.
Someone occasionally have the courage to see me jokingly that are almost always sad, even if I add a "last" in my sentences.
It 's true, it is never the last period. Now I am 8 years old. On balance, the bulk is started from there. Not all situations are resolved in a couple of days. Not all situations you can solve them.
The funny thing is that I do not recall that beginning with next to nothing! I remember the general feeling, I remember some sporadic scenes, I think all three, but I do not remember anything else. And that is a childhood memories (well, teenager) has several. But sometimes things happen that changes your life forever, and sometimes are times when, suddenly, you find the world upside down, sometimes, as in my case, there is no bang, but a high tide: you know you will, then arrives, engulfs everything in the morning and at night he goes back. My high tide, however, when she returned the next night, nobody ever went.
The first time, eight years ago, has changed everything. It 's true, after having messed up, messed up and turned the lives of everyone involved, it seemed all over ... but never came back as before. The sense of anxiety, fear, nervousness, the concern is not if they have never gone, have continued to hover on my little kingdom, day after day. Then, three years ago, everything has turned again and this time permanently. The sun has set, the water has risen and remained so throughout, including storms and darkness, an occasional ray of moonlight, now is not seen in a while '. And it will not be seen for a while ', while waiting for the last tsunami that will sweep away everything. Then everything will be different, once again, but as it never was.
strange life: 8 years to hope, sometimes even to believe that everything could be solved and find yourself not wanting to see it end. As if enough the thought!
8 years where I learned to lie, to pretend, because sometimes they really are the best things to do, where I was amazed at how our body can turn against us, and I'm angry about how difficult it is if not impossible, to use our will to control something, the years when I figured out how to hide your emotions but not how to control them to prevent them from exploding, 8 years where I tried to control everything in the vain hope of stopping at least part of what I was trying to grasp and, instead, was slipping through our hands. 3 years of disillusionment and anger, 1 year without the acceptance of awareness, 3 months of blackouts, expectation and fear. Certainly I would not be a sixteen year old bouncy and cheerful in any case, I had the usual teenage complex, the usual arguments with her mother, the reproaches of his father, the anger with her sister, etc. ... but not so. So
reproach that I always feel like a joke, no matter how I try to find humor, does not make me laugh, because if I could reset everything, bring everything back to normal, I would without a moment's hesitation! But you can not, I can only keep these 8 years knowing that most likely, to my face hurts like hell to admit it, will not become 9 and will end just as nobody would have wanted to see them end. After coming back to breathe again, like, But I do not know and to be honest, just thinking about that time I find intolerable, because it implies that this was the thing that nobody would ever happen, but, unfortunately, can not hide forever behind a vial of morphine.
"All I have, all I need, is the air I would kill to breathe
Holds His Hands in my love, I'm still searching for something
Out of breath, I am left Hoping someday I'll breathe again"

Dental Costs In Dubai

back to work ... Still

Hello friends! I hope
any left to read, hehe ...

Ah yes, the first months of motherhood are really tough ... but slowly you get used to everything!
Gabriel is a true angel, has almost 4 months and still eats and sleeps most of the time ... a child is happy, peaceful and healthy, he cries very little and only when he is hungry!

I'm even going back to paint, in his spare time in the evening ... understand that there is no need to dye with a baby around, but actually he already pm to 9.30 am blessed sleep: the problem is that often I collapse exhausted with him, hehe!
finalmnte So I managed to arrange ... weekends you for a wonderful surprise:)

Last Sunday we baptized the flea, here in all its glory:

E' proprio un giovanotto, vero? :)

Per ora è tutto, spero che continuiate ad aspettarmi, Voi fedelissime delle matassine... dovrete attendere solo ancora pochi giorni!

Vi ricordo che abbiamo anche una pagina Facebook... qui !

Monday, February 21, 2011

10th Century Agriculture

Galletto laccato al pompelmo

a particular recipe because attaching a wing of a juicy grapefruit may seem quite risky. But .. delight! Although I was initially a bit 'skeptical, I studied carefully the implementation of this recipe as not to create absurdity of flavors. Believe me it is a must try! I preferred to use my usual and loved instead of the classic chicken wing , but I think there is no problem if you would prefer the latter (I'll try this too, and I will keep you informed). Furthermore, that is how you decide to cook a duck with orange why not make a wing with grapefruit?! Now I used pink grapefruit and the juiciest I've found where the juice was significantly troppo aspro per i vostri gusti, aggiungete tranquillamente anche qualche cucchiaio di succo di una bella arancia rigorosamente rossa. Il miele utilizzato è un millefiori, morbido, non troppo forte e di buona consistenza. Per il resto potrete sbizzarrirvi anche con le erbe aromatiche o la quantità di aglio (senza esagerare però). Il profumo che si sprigionerà dal forno sarà sublime ed invaderà tutta la casa!!

a cockerel (the number of people, even calcolatene a head depending on the size) extra virgin olive oil

butter salt pepper

rosemary, chives (or herbs to your choice) 4-5 cloves garlic

juicy grapefruit
2 1 / 2 cup white wine 5 tablespoons wildflower honey

juice 1 / 2 orange

Preparation Preheat oven to 200 ° C . Clean the wing and lay it in a pan before you fill it with aromatic herbs such as rosemary and chives, salt and pepper and a clove of garlic. Massage it with a little butter, soft o se preferite utilizzate del burro fuso e spennellatene la superficie. Irrorate con del vino bianco e qualche cucchiaio di olio di oliva. Aggiungete il succo filtrato di 1/2 arancia e gli altri spicchi di aglio. Aggiustate nuovamente con sale e pepe. Tagliate a piccoli spicchi un pompelmo e disponetelo nella teglia con il galletto. Infornate quindi per circa 15 minuti. Nel frattempo in una ciotolina sbattete il miele con il succo dell'altro pompelmo, aggiustate con pochissimo sale e una spolverata di pepe e, con l'aiuto di un pennello, spennellate tutta la superficie. Versate poi il rimanente composto su tutto il galletto. Abbassate la temperatura del forno a 180°C e fate cuocere per un'altra ora circa o almeno fino a quando non risulterà ben dorato e croccante. Non worry about the meat will be very tender, just pour the sauce again, contained in the pan, each time on the wing to keep it very moist.

With this recipe I participate in the contest:

How Does Gential Acne Develope

Cookies al cioccolato bianco e pinoli

I have a genuine adoration for "cookies" of any type and any ingredient (well if you have the drops di cioccolato ancora meglio!!). Del resto chi non ama questi enormi biscotti lievemente croccanti e ricchissimi, generalmente, di frutta secca e cioccolato?! Per l'ennesima volta mi sono affidata a Julie Andrieu e al suo libro " l'ABC del cioccolato ". Voglio fare una piccola premessa: generalmente mi attengo sempre alla ricetta originale, salvo piccole variazioni. Questa volta però, variando poco o niente, mi sono ritrovata incontro ad alcuni spiacevoli risultati, a cui logicamente ho dovuto rimediare. Innanzitutto, reduce dai deliziosi totally chocolate chip cookies di Nigella , ho improvvisato aggiungendo un cucchiaino di bicarbonato, cosa che la Andrieu omette, non so per quale assurdo motivo... alla fine il vero Cookie deve risultare un po' "vaporoso" ed elegantemente lievitato. E fin qui nessun problema. La reale cosa strambra che ho letto è stata quella di formare le palline con l'impasto (ok) e poi schiacciarle lievemente (perchè????). Beh ho seguito le sue istruzioni e l'impasto si è disteso non uniformemente.. quindi non schiacciate nulla!! Fate le vostre care e belle palline di impasto (non troppo grandi) e distanziatele per bene (almeno 5 cm) senza schiacciarle. Io poi, per carità divina, sono riuscita a rimediare, perchè una soluzione si trova sempre a tutto e, nonostante l'aspetto vagamente rustico, il risultato era eccezionale!! Del resto l'abbinamento cioccolato bianco e pinoli è meraviglioso! Per non parlare poi di quel sapore particolare che solo lo zucchero di canna sa regalare!

200 gr di cioccolato bianco
4 cucchiai di pinoli
1 limone
180 gr di farina
140 gr soft butter
140 g of sugar cane
2 medium eggs 1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon baking soda (not present in the original recipe)

Chop the chocolate into large pieces. Take a few minutes to brown the pine nuts in a frying pan. Beat brown sugar with soft butter (leave at room temperature for about 30 minutes) using a mixer or by working vigorously by hand until you get a soft dough fluffy. Add the beaten eggs, lemon zest, finely grated, flour, a pinch of salt, baking soda. Mixing together the pine nuts and white chocolate pieces. As soon as the dough is ready, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Cover the pans with parchment paper. With the mixture formed into balls, trying to keep the same size. You can possibly help with a spoon for ice cream (the one routinely used to create the balls, you know?). Place the balls well apart from each other and, without flattening, put them in the oven already hot for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven, let stand for several minutes without touching them because they are very soft. Within a few minutes, however, began to acquire the right consistency suitable for being transferred on a rack to dry.

From the book " ABC chocolate " Julie Andrieu

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cute Hairsyles For Snowboarding

Collaborazione con Caramellandia

Today I would like to tell you my new and unique collaboration with Caramellandia ! A wonderful site for people like us, love the desserts in all their shapes and designs. Needless to tell you about all the wonders that potrete trovare e acquistare sul loro sito . Il mio consiglio è di non lasciarvele sfuggire per nulla al mondo! E, a proposito di acquisti, vi segnalo che, in via eccezionale, per i lettori della Tana del coniglio è disponibile uno speciale sconto del 10%. Perchè non approfittarne subito?! Come fare?! Nulla di più semplice, segnalate al momento dell'ordine di essere fedeli lettori del mio blog La Tana del coniglio ed otterrete un prezzo di favore!