Saturday, February 19, 2011

Outdoor Pizza Ovens Plans

[Petronio I hope not too turned in his grave for the plagiarism of the title. Anyway, as you can guess, what will follow is a personal intervention to be read with much irony, and do not be bad in Your reviews if the result seems mediocre or worse. And if anyone will want to call it a part of speech, well ... he is right, is an intervention that is on one side: my!]

This year there is nothing to talk about unit à It of alia, in San Remo was even an entire evening devoted to the subject! You understand that we had to pay € 250,000 to Benigni, known communist who has dedicated many as 10 to 45 minutes on allusions and jokes to our beloved Mr. B, to take us a history lesson? Now rumor that his compensation was entirely devoted to a hospital news clearly false , because we know that the wealthy are dreaming of a lifetime to build children's hospitals!
precisely on this topic yesterday there was yet another failure of government, in fact the March 17 was declared a national holiday for this year ! Absurd that a state pretends to celebrate the day of unification in the year when we celebrate the anniversary of unity! (Word, oltetutto, a known communist-style!) Obviously League, a party that is the government as a celiac is a bakery, he voted against! Which then govern a state where it would not, it's just a contradiction between thought and action, in history there are state e ce ne saranno tante altre, in fondo il pensatore greco Diogene ammirava la povertà e viveva in una botte, il ben più conosciuto romano Seneca faceva lo stesso ma viveva in una villa! [ invoco il perdono di storici e filosofi per aver scritto così approssimativamente di queste ultime due persone, ma il luogo non mi consente di approfondire ulteriormente l'argomento! ] Facile prendersela con un partito che è troppo spesso mal interpretato. Addirittura qualche giorno (o settimana?) fa, si è tacciato un sindaco leghista che ha vietato in una scuola elementare di dare pranzo a una bambina impossibilitata a pagarsi i pasti, di aver compiuto un'azione al di sotto della " soglia minima per essere delle persone "(Cited Fabio Fazio). But that assertion ridiculous ! The truth is simple: as everyone knows, the communists eat children, then, given the abundance of red extremists and radical-chic in our country, for protect the life of that child, who was the mayor has avoided making fattening! E 'action was admirable!
Anyway, back to' unit à d'It alia , fortunately it was soon noted that " the government's decision to declare March 17 a national holiday is very serious, a slap on the wrist to the legitimate and popular sentiment throughout the North, for which they retain 'fees only in Rome, the waste and pensions to disabled false. For us patriots Valley, so that Rome imposed against our will, it will be a day of mourning, not celebration. Long live freedom of Padania! . "I would like to say that I have written statements so ironically brilliant, but unfortunately words are actually spoken by Borghezio, and without irony. Calderoli also proposed to cancel not only just voted March 17, but also the 1 May ! I can only agree and add to eliminate even the December 25, because we are a secular state, the April 25, because Italy has passed into the hands of the left and the 6 gennaio , perchè la befana,essendo una gran lavoratrice non di residenza ad Arcore, nuoce all'immagine femminile! Tiè! Se dobbiamo fare le cose, almeno facciamole per bene.
Ma poi, di Ruby, Nicole, ecc... se ne parla anche troppo e ingustamente, perchè ognuno è libero di ballare dove e con chi vuole, c'è chi balla con i lupi e chi balla attorno al cubo di Ruby, sono scelte! La Zanicchi (sì, quella di " Ok,il prezzo è giusto ", che quando ha saputo, tramite lettura della mano da una zingara, che il prezzo di un parlamentare era ben diverso da quello di una conduttrice di quiz,ha spostato la sedia in una diversa proprietà di Mr.B) ha sottolineato come anche Gesù proteggesse prostitutes ... and when he is right, you're right! Needless to argue that he has made trial and was crucified, those were different times and things are handled differently! But even those were difficult times, but there were no riots, poverty ... a little 'as now, (apart from being poverty, only in Italy, largely over the economic crisis) is enough for a spat with the way in Tunisia and Copy: Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain ,..., hour even Libya ! That's Gaddafi, the honest man who had come to camp diplomat in Rome, complete with a harem full and stable! But here everything is obvious , the riots were instigated by the PD to create a diversion mentre gli rubano uno dei cavalli tanto piaciuti a Roma, usato per far entrare Benigni a Sanremo: non so se l'avete visto, ma era accompagnato da persone vestite di rosso! Più ovvio di così!


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