Monday, February 14, 2011

Work Right Shower Door Parts

Tortelloni di patate con burro al tartufo bianco e parmigiano

now everyone knows of my adoration for the crowds and potato ravioli is always redo them eventually a joy .. especially if combined with truffles! For the occasion, I dusted off an old and simple recipe, I had already prepared the pasta and was enough to make a simple filling of potatoes and cheese (there is also a fine little browned bacon and chopped fine). Cooking is fast enough, just enough time to warm up a bit 'of truffle butter in the pan with little garlic and voila! Ideally, a sprinkling of Castelmagno, but I find myself in a position to use the simple but tasty grated Parmesan cheese! In short, it's all so simple and so delicious ..
way, to achieve truffle butter you can safely proceed as follows: with 100 grams of truffles, preferably white, and 250 grams of butter. Soften the butter and grated truffles, mix well, place in a film in the freezer and then let it be well hardened before use.

400 grams of pasta (used this recipe )
350 gr potato
100 g fresh ricotta
50 g chopped bacon or ham (optional)

salt pepper nutmeg

truffle butter to taste (if it is strong easily add to the butter)
30 grams of parmesan

Preparation First prepare the pasta basing on the following recipe, let it rest, divide it into two rolls and roll it out until two thin sheets.
Cook the potatoes for about 30-40 minutes, or at least until they are well soft. Peel and mash. Combine the ricotta, well drained, possibly bacon chopped, salt, nutmeg and pepper. Mix everything. Put a teaspoon of filling on one of the two sheets, keeping a certain distance. Cover with another sheet and then adhere to the dough around the filling so as to seal them well. With a wheel cutter start creating your ravioli giving it a square shape and uniform for all. When they are ready put them in salted water and cook for several minutes, cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of your dough, so check them often. Meanwhile, melt the butter with truffle, adding the butter flavor was easy if too strong. Drain the ravioli and sprinkle with plenty of melted butter, a sprinkling of grated Parmesan and a little black pepper.


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