Friday, February 18, 2011

Good Place To Get Cosplay Wigs

Gratin di ravioli

Qualche volta, indulges us to find something new to bring to the table. Unpretentious though. Because the end time is short and try to create a unique dish, which slowly cook without much attention from us. I humbly beg forgiveness if, for once, I've thrown to prepare fresh tortellini & Co, but not always have time to do this type of work and so I throw on a pair of classic package of ravioli (from supermarket ). The result is still good and to vary a bit ', this time prepare the sauce with a lot' of minced parsley which gives it a twist. A sprinkling of grated Parmesan cheese and you're done. What to ask more! And then you want to put the scent of a nice dish baked in the oven? Personally I chose to use the classic ricotta and spinach ravioli (ravioli filled to be exact), but there is a wide choice and selection that you can use. The only recommendation I can give here is to prepare you a simple white sauce , but it should be quite liquid, otherwise everything is going to dry up and threatens to become unpleasant. Not because you want to prepare the sauce a very short time? Well if you must then use that package, however, remember to add a little 'fresh milk (let it warm up first in a pan first throw it on ravioli!). You may serve it in nice cocottine or ramequins that work perfectly as a single portion.

400 grams of ravioli of your choice (I used this recipe for Spinach and Ricotta)
500 ml of fresh sauce ( ricetta qui )
1 mazzetto di prezzemolo
noce moscata
parmigiano reggiano grattugiato

In abbondante acqua salata fate cuocere i ravioli, mantenendo una cottura lievemente al dente. Scolateli e nel frattempo preparate una besciamella che sia abbastanza liquida, seguendo questa ricetta . Qualora risultasse troppo densa aggiungete tranquillamente del latte. Regolate di sale e pepe e date una buona spolverata nutmeg. Clean and chop the parsley and add to the sauce. Puree with an immersion blender quickly. Also like to add a few tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese to enhance the flavor. Pour the ravioli in a baking dish or small casserole portion and sprinkle with the white sauce is hot. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and bake in preheated oven for about 10 minutes at 160 ° C or at least until complete browning. The surface should be colorful and crisp, but not too dry. Serve hot.

NOTE: Almost
I was forgetting ... I can do some 'advertising as well I for once? Finalmente sono riuscita a convincere la mia mamy a creare un blog di cucina (e non solo.. vedrete.. ve ne combinerà delle belle!!). Del resto è lei che mi ha trasmesso questa piccola grande passione perciò fate un saltino anche voi sul blog "Il ghiro vispo" .. per il momento siamo solo all'inizio, ma lei vi aspetta con mille fantastiche sorprese ;)))


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