Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Make A Professional Tech Deck Design

quiche parsley potatoes

The preparation of this quiche is not quite instant, but the result is fantastic. So if you have some 'time available (25 min +50 min +1 h), my advice is to taste it because it is absolutely delicious in its being extremely hardy. My mistake was to use a cake pan a bit 'too big, otherwise the visual effect would be much better! My advice is to choose a mold with a diameter of 22 cm or 24 so as to advance even a few cm of paste to use for the final decoration! The recipe made me throat now, as soon as I saw it! Unfortunately I had to arrange with some modifications. First, I used 100 ml of milk with 100 ml of cream, but you can safely use only milk (200 ml total). The original recipe also included the use of toma in the mountains, which have not been able to supply, and in addition, the use of a small bunch of chives and one only, mixed it parsley and basil. Since my last supplies are kept to a bare minimum of what we can remember, my husband and I, when we go shopping, I arranged by increasing the amount of parsley (chives are just forgotten me! !). Given that the doses for this quiche are for 8 persons approx. Also deserve a little consideration cooking times. In the original recipe is reported a temperature of 220 ° C for 50 minutes of cooking ... I felt a bit 'too much, so after 30 minutes check the area and based on experience with your oven you may decide to immediately lower the temperature to 200 ° C. I also ask forgiveness for the terrible picture .. now I can not check the oven every second .. the little Louis keeps me super busy, especially in these days!

4 medium potatoes 2 eggs
100 ml of cream
100 ml of milk
200 gr di farina 00
100 gr di parmigiano grattugiato 
100 gr di burro
un mazzetto misto di prezzemolo e basilico ed erba cipollina
3 cucchiai di prezzemolo per la base
acqua ghiacciata q.b.
pepe nero

Lavate e asciugate le erbe aromatiche. Pulitele e tritatele finemente. Con l'aiuto di un mixer prepariamo la base di pasta brisée unendo la farina al burro tagliato a tocchetti, aggiungiamo two pinches of salt and 3 tablespoons of chopped parsley. Mix everything until mixture is sandy and gritty. We combine now a couple of tablespoons of very cold water (just keep a small bowl in the freezer for about 10 minutes), keep stirring so the mixture is homogeneous and compact (if you need to increase the amount of water .. I came to 4 spoons). Form the dough into a ball, flatten slightly, wrap in paper towels and place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour to rest. Meanwhile, clean and peel the potatoes, cut into pieces and cook in plenty of water for 30-40 minutes, or until such time as they are very soft. Purée or mash masher a purea con l'aiuto di una forchetta e raccogliete il tutto in una ciotola capiente. Aggiungete il parmigiano grattugiato (tenendo da parte 1-2 cucchiai), mescolate energicamente e aggiustate di sale e pepe. In una ciotolina a parte sbattete le uova, aggiungete latte e panna e le erbe aromatiche tritate molto finemente. Versate quindi il composto ottenuto alle patate e mescolate nuovamente. Foderate una teglia da crostata con carta forno (meglio ancora se utilizzate una tortiera dal fondo amovibile). Scaldate il forno a 220°C. Stendete la pasta lasciata riposare in frigo su un piano ben infarinato e disponetela nella teglia. Versate l'impasto di patate alle erbe, livellatelo e cospargete con il parmigiano reggiano grattugiato che avete tenuto da parte. Eliminate la pasta excess from the edges, and the rolls obtained ristendetela create a grid pattern, like a tart. Bake in preheated oven for 30-40 minutes or at least until golden. Serve warm or cold.

Taken from the cookbook "Potato millegusti" Salt and Pepper Collection


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